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Damp litter exposes animals to disease 1.  Anthrax disease  of ruminants : Anthrax, a highly infectious and fatal disease of cattles, is caused by a relatively large spore-forming rectangular shaped bacterium called  Bacillus anthracis . Anthrax occurs on all the continents,causes acute mortality in ruminants. The bacteria produce extremely potent toxins which are responsible for the ill effects, causing a high mortality rate. The bacteria produce spores on contact with oxygen.  Signs of the illness usually appear 3 to 7 days after the spores are swallowed or inhaled. Once signs begin in animals, they usually die within two days. Hoofed animals, such as deer, cattle, goats, and sheep, are the main animals affected by this disease. They usually get the disease by swallowing anthrax spores while grazing on pasture contaminated (made impure) with anthrax spores. Inhaling (breathing in) the spores,which are odorless, colorless, and tasteless, may also caus


Pregnant sheep Pregnant cow Pregnant pig Animals grow in stages . 1. PRENATAL GROWTH Stages of prenatal growth i.  Blastocist stage During this stage, the dividing zygote will yield millions of cells which are enclosed within the  zonapellucidal  and this is called blastocist. Blastocist is a ball of many cells enclosed by a membrane called zonapellucidal. During this stage, the Blastocist feeds from the uterus by means of diffusion. In the Ewe for instance, one to three or four lambs are normally produced but up to ten eggs maybe fertilized during fertilization or during mating particularly when when females are super ovulated. The Blastocist stage following fertilization will last for about  10days in sheep and pigs and 11days in cattle . ii.  Embryonic stage This is the second stage in prenatal growth. Cell differentiation into tissues and organs are beginning to show or manifest. These differentiating cells have a very high priority for nutrients. The size of


Electric brooder Clay pot brooder Nipple drinker Be it in the cage or deep litter system of poultry production, the Farm keeper must do the following to have a successful brooding of day old chicks. First thing first 1.  Before the arrival of day old chicks , the following activities should be carried out; •Clean and disinfect the poultry house or brooding area • Feeders, and waterers at least two weeks before day old chicks due to arrive. • Repair windows, doors, ventilators, or any part of the poultry house or brooding area that needs attentchicks • Eliminate any drafts, especially those caused by cracks in the walls or poorly fitting doors and windows. • Spread the bedding material two days before the day old chicks are due to arrive. • Turn on the heat lamp or brooder the day before day old chicks are due to arrive. This will give the brooding house time to warm up. • Provide footwears for entering the brooding house. This will reduce the transportation o


Palm kernel cake (PKC) palm kernel cake(pkc) also known palm kernel meal(PKC) is  meant to be used as an ingredient in formulating poultry ration but the reverse is the case as its been used to solely feed broilers and this is widespread especially among subsistent local farmers in Africa. Maybe due to high cost of commercial poultry feeds in the area. Although palm kernel cake supplies both protein and energy, the proximate composition of palm kernel cake suggests that it can be classified as an energy source. Facts about the use of PKC in feeding broilers and other poultry birds •  Poultry are monogastric animals that have a simple stomach and they are unable to tolerate highly fibrous feed. • Due to its high fibre and shell content, low level of energy and key essential amino acids, and grittiness the use of PKC in poultry rations is very limited.  • The fibre content of palm kernel cake (21-23%) has been associated with a decline in nutrient digestibility of palm kerne


At Real Animal farm, we are our name, we are real in poultry business. Our ultramodern farm is first when it comes to hygienically produced eggs. Our eggs are neat,large and affordable (Where it all started: )   What we do: We make supplies to; •Eateries/Restaurants •Bakeries •Event planners •Wholesalers/Retailers Our farm supervisor's office Feeding in progress Our laying birds Collected and arranged eggs Loading for delivery Ready for delivery Location: Amokpo Nike,  Enugu East Local Government Area, Enugu State. Opening time: 7a.m Closing time : 5p.m Contact +2347060799261


Why Would You Raise Crickets? You might be wondering why you would even raise crickets to begin with. There are actually lots of reasons to raise crickets. They are: 1. For Yourself If you can get past the idea of eating a cricket, you might be surprised to learn just how good they actually are for your health. Crickets contain a ton of protein without a lot of fat or calories. Actually, they contain more protein per bite (per density) than beef or chicken can provide per bite. For example, in a 100-gram cricket there is 16-21 grams of protein. Also, there is only 5 grams of fat and 121 calories per 100 grams of crickets. Beef can contain up to 300 calories per 100 grams. Not to mention, the fat that crickets have is actually the good kind that will not raise your cholesterol. So if you are becoming more health conscious and would like a healthier protein option, then you might want to seriously consider adding crickets to your diet. 2. For Your Birds As much p


Dewormer Dewormer Dewormer Vitamins/booster Vitamins  The word drug is no longer a strange word in the livestock industry .Farmers ranging from poultry farmers to cattle breeders know different drug types(antibiotics, dewormers, vitamins etc) and even brands(producers). This knowledge is highly commendable. In this note, which I'm prompted to write due to questions thrown at me by farmers on drug usage and its effect on Livestock production(mostly poultry). Some of which are: ▪Which dewormer(s) is the best? ▪Why do I experience drop in egg production while deworming? ▪How frequent do I need to deworm? Etc Dewormers They are drugs that have been tested and proven to combat and terminate different class of endoparasites(internal parasites:worms, nematodes, protozoa etc). These drugs have different mode of actions and in some cases are specific in actions(target certain class of endo parasites) The common dewormers available in our clime