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Showing posts with the label foot and mouth disease


Healthy rabbit Ear canker and skin mange Rabbits like every other livestock,are affected by different kinds of diseases some of which affects the Farmer's maximum or expected yield. Below are common diseases of Rabbits and how it can be controlled. 1.  EAR CANKER AND SKIN MANGE(SKIN SORES ) External parasites like mites causes this conditions in Rabbits. With ear canker, the entire ear maybe filled with crusty scabs. It spreads on to the face. Rabbits with ear canker shakes head a great deal. CONTROL Dipping diseased animals in acaricide solution 2.  COCCIDIOSIS This is the most common disease in Rabbits. It is caused by protozoa. SYMPTOMS • Loss of appetite • Potbelly • Bloody diarrhoea CONTROL Use coccidiostat in the Rabbits drinking water 3.  MASTITIS It is a bacterial disease though not common. It occur when there's of the teats which becomes hard and sore. CONTROL • Use antibiotics like penicillin. • Discontinue breeding from such doe...


Damp litter exposes animals to disease 1.  Anthrax disease  of ruminants : Anthrax, a highly infectious and fatal disease of cattles, is caused by a relatively large spore-forming rectangular shaped bacterium called  Bacillus anthracis . Anthrax occurs on all the continents,causes acute mortality in ruminants. The bacteria produce extremely potent toxins which are responsible for the ill effects, causing a high mortality rate. The bacteria produce spores on contact with oxygen.  Signs of the illness usually appear 3 to 7 days after the spores are swallowed or inhaled. Once signs begin in animals, they usually die within two days. Hoofed animals, such as deer, cattle, goats, and sheep, are the main animals affected by this disease. They usually get the disease by swallowing anthrax spores while grazing on pasture contaminated (made impure) with anthrax spores. Inhaling (breathing in) the spores,which are odorless, colorless, and taste...


Pregnant sheep Pregnant cow Pregnant pig Animals grow in stages . 1. PRENATAL GROWTH Stages of prenatal growth i.  Blastocist stage During this stage, the dividing zygote will yield millions of cells which are enclosed within the  zonapellucidal  and this is called blastocist. Blastocist is a ball of many cells enclosed by a membrane called zonapellucidal. During this stage, the Blastocist feeds from the uterus by means of diffusion. In the Ewe for instance, one to three or four lambs are normally produced but up to ten eggs maybe fertilized during fertilization or during mating particularly when when females are super ovulated. The Blastocist stage following fertilization will last for about  10days in sheep and pigs and 11days in cattle . ii.  Embryonic stage This is the second stage in prenatal growth. Cell differentiation into tissues and organs are beginning to show or manifest. These differentiating cells have a very high priority fo...


Dewormer Dewormer Dewormer Vitamins/booster Vitamins  The word drug is no longer a strange word in the livestock industry .Farmers ranging from poultry farmers to cattle breeders know different drug types(antibiotics, dewormers, vitamins etc) and even brands(producers). This knowledge is highly commendable. In this note, which I'm prompted to write due to questions thrown at me by farmers on drug usage and its effect on Livestock production(mostly poultry). Some of which are: ▪Which dewormer(s) is the best? ▪Why do I experience drop in egg production while deworming? ▪How frequent do I need to deworm? Etc Dewormers They are drugs that have been tested and proven to combat and terminate different class of endoparasites(internal parasites:worms, nematodes, protozoa etc). These drugs have different mode of actions and in some cases are specific in actions(target certain class of endo parasites) The common dewormers available in our clime ...


Seven out of every ten Nigerians do eat catfish on weekly basis. That’s a whooping percentage of above 65. The production of catfish in Nigeria however, from current studies showed that catfish production, distribution and marketing are way lower than its demand. Unfortunately, a lot of people, especially those who have an interest in agricultural related businesses, don’t know the potentials of catfish farming in Nigeria. That is exactly why we’ll be discussing how to start the profitable business of Catfish Farming in Nigeria, and the hidden opportunities therein. Catfish Farming in Nigeria :  You will agree that catfish is one of the commonly eaten fishes in homes, hotels, bars, joints, relaxation spots, and so on. When the word “ point and kill ” flashes by your ears, don’t squeeze your face wondering what it means. At joints, you could walk up to the fish bowl and point to a live (fresh) catfish you want killed and either used for Pepper-soup or just grilled and peppere...


Fish with bulge eyes Inspecting the level of infection in the pond Fish ready for table Fish booster Catfish like every other livestock comes down with different kinds of diseases that might lead to the increase in cost of production and sometimes leads to the closure of the farm/business. Some diseases of catfish,symptoms and treatment may include: Bacterial Infections:  Inactivity, loss of color, frayed fins, bloated body, cloudy eyes, open sores, abscesses, red streaks throughout body, reddening or inflammation of the skin, fins or internal organs, bulging eyes, difficulty breathing.   Fungal Infections  (often secondary to another type of illness): Erratic swimming, darting, scratching, visible cotton-like tufts on skin, eyes, or mouth.   Parasitic Infections:  Inactivity, loss of appetite, excess mucus or film on body, visible spots or worms, rapid breathing, scratching. Treatment Grayish-white film on skin, damaged...


Leopard frog Bullfrog cannibalizing Green frog Garnished frog meat Frog meat in some states in Nigeria like Benue, Anambra(particularly Ogbaru local government), Rivers, and Oyo States are a special delicacy  during some special occasions. Raising and selling frogs on a commercial basis has not proven to be successful economically in Nigeria or elsewhere  to our knowledge. Although farming for frog meat sounds promising, operating a profitable frog farm seems to be more of a myth than a reality. Those few individuals who claim to be successful frog farmers generally are distributors engaged in the selling of adult frogs, tadpoles, or frog eggs, frequently harvested from the wild. Many “frog farms” turn out to be natural marshy areas, swamps or shallow ponds with abundant food and habitat suitable to the needs of wild frogs. At some frog farms, culture methods simply consist of increasing the shoreline area, erecting a fence to exclude predators and re...