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Electric brooder |
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Clay pot brooder |
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Nipple drinker |
Be it in the cage or deep litter system of poultry production, the Farm keeper must do the following to have a successful brooding of day old chicks.
First thing first
1. Before the arrival of day old chicks, the following activities should be carried out;
•Clean and disinfect the poultry house or brooding area
• Feeders, and waterers at least two weeks before day old chicks due to arrive.
• Repair windows, doors, ventilators, or any part of the poultry house or brooding area that needs attentchicks
• Eliminate any drafts, especially those caused by cracks in the walls or poorly fitting doors and windows.
• Spread the bedding material two days before the day old chicks are due to arrive.
• Turn on the heat lamp or brooder the day before day old chicks are due to arrive. This will give the brooding house time to warm up.
• Provide footwears for entering the brooding house. This will reduce the transportation of disease from other areas to the chicks
• Provide feeds and water on the day of arrival of day old chicks
• Light up the brooding house on the day of arrival of day old chicks
2. When the day old chicks arrive;
• Dip the beaks of the birds into the water source to teach them where the water is. This is particularly important for turkey poults.
• Fill the feeders to the brim for the first two days after the birds arrive. This is done to prevent feed waste, reduce the level of feed as the birds get older.
• To give the birds time to find feeders and waterers, provide the chicks with light around the clock for the first week after their arrival. After the first week, provide the number of hours of light per day that is appropriate for the type of bird you are raising. A 15 watt light bulb should be sufficient for each 200 sq. ft. of floor area.
3. Temperature
• Provide extra heat until the chicks are well feathered. Birds are more likely to develop respiratory problems if heat is removed too early. In cold periods, heat should be continued for the first 4-6weeks after birds arrive, even if the birds are fully feathered. During hot weather, brooding, take steps to keep the temperature below 95°F for chicks.
• When using a brooder, set the initial temperature at 90ºF to 95°F . Reduce the temperature by 5°F each week until extra heat is not longer required. The chicks themselves are the best indicators of their comfort. If the chicks crowd together under the brooder, they are cold, and you should increase the heat. If the chicks try to get as far away from the brooder and from each other as possible, the heat needs to be reduced.
• When you use an infrared lamp, the chicks will tell you whether the temperature is appropriate by moving toward or away from the heat source. Each week, decrease extra heat by raising the heat lamp 2 inch. until it reaches a maximum height of 24 inch.
All materials used during brooding should not be moved away from the poultry house, even foot wears