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Showing posts with the label Catfish production analysis


Fish with bulge eyes Inspecting the level of infection in the pond Fish ready for table Fish booster Catfish like every other livestock comes down with different kinds of diseases that might lead to the increase in cost of production and sometimes leads to the closure of the farm/business. Some diseases of catfish,symptoms and treatment may include: Bacterial Infections:  Inactivity, loss of color, frayed fins, bloated body, cloudy eyes, open sores, abscesses, red streaks throughout body, reddening or inflammation of the skin, fins or internal organs, bulging eyes, difficulty breathing.   Fungal Infections  (often secondary to another type of illness): Erratic swimming, darting, scratching, visible cotton-like tufts on skin, eyes, or mouth.   Parasitic Infections:  Inactivity, loss of appetite, excess mucus or film on body, visible spots or worms, rapid breathing, scratching. Treatment Grayish-white film on skin, damaged...


Processed Snail meat Matured snails Processed snails Snail has become a highly valued delicacy in recent times. It is also known and referred to as “ Congo meat”  in Nigeria. Snails constitute an important source of animal protein for many coastal communities in Nigeria. Snail meat consumption as we all know has become a lifestyle for some people especially those eating it on medical grounds.  Snails are very useful in pharmaceuticals, for the production of certain drugs, because of their therapeutic properties. It has low fat and cholesterol and is the meat recommended for special medical patients. The emergence of snail meat joints in almost every neighborhood where snail meat delicacies are prepared is a clear indication that snail meat consumption is gaining a wide acceptance.   procedure of Processing Snail meat for export must be processed with great care so as to increase its marketability. Below are the procedures that must be followed for...


Leopard frog Bullfrog cannibalizing Green frog Garnished frog meat Frog meat in some states in Nigeria like Benue, Anambra(particularly Ogbaru local government), Rivers, and Oyo States are a special delicacy  during some special occasions. Raising and selling frogs on a commercial basis has not proven to be successful economically in Nigeria or elsewhere  to our knowledge. Although farming for frog meat sounds promising, operating a profitable frog farm seems to be more of a myth than a reality. Those few individuals who claim to be successful frog farmers generally are distributors engaged in the selling of adult frogs, tadpoles, or frog eggs, frequently harvested from the wild. Many “frog farms” turn out to be natural marshy areas, swamps or shallow ponds with abundant food and habitat suitable to the needs of wild frogs. At some frog farms, culture methods simply consist of increasing the shoreline area, erecting a fence to exclude predators and re...