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Foot and mouth disease(FMD) is an acute contagious disease which can quickly spread out to other provinces and result in serious losses for stock persons.

Susceptible Animals
a. Cloven hoofed animals such as buffalo,cow,goat,sheep,pig,wild pig,wild buffalo, wild cow and deer are susceptible to FMD virus.
Note: Horses and avians are not infected by the virus.
b. Infection on young animals is more severe and can lead to death.
c. In natural habitat, FMD virus can be cross infected between animals.
d. FMD virus can be transmitted to human but rare.

a. Virus can be found in saliva, faeces,urine,semen,milk,vesicles discharge from infected animals or in the air.
b. Virus can be transmitted via digestive or respiratory routes by feeding, drinking or inhalation (via nasal mucosa)
c. Direct and indirect contact between infected animals and healthy animals, transporting vehicles, waste materials, slaughter house, stock persons.
d. Pigs can shed virus into environment for 1-2months. Cattle 3-6months after recovery thus free range cattle are at more risk.

Clinical signs
1. Fever(>40°c),anorexia or loss of appetite, depression, regular recumbency, lameness. Affected pigs may refer to lie down and when forced to rise,the animal might walk gingerly and occasionally shake leg as it's painful.
2. Profuse, frothy saliva around the mouth.
3. Vesicles may appear inside the mucous membrane of mouth, on the tongue, cheeks,gums,lips,nose,palate,and color varies from red to yellow or gray.
4. Ulcerated vesicles are also form between the claws of the feet and along the coronary band which cause dry separation of the heels making the animal reluctant to walk.
5. It also causes abortion.

No specific treatment for FMD. vesicles and erosions in mouth, tongue, legs and teat must be treated to prevent secondary infection in the loose of hooves enhances the ability to recover. Treatment should be applied locally and then generally..

Localized treatment: Rinse the ulcerated vesicles found on mouth, tongue, leg,hoof,teat with one of the following solutions; normal saline, acid citric 1% or potassium permanganate 1%,alum2%. Use juice of sour fruits like star fruit, lemon for washing ulceration in mouth, tongue twice a day). For buffalo and cattle, after cleaning the wound in teats and limb with normal saline and drying, apply antiseptic then ointment over the wound. Bandage all legs for the prevention of flies..

For generalized treatment, use L.A.
Make sure the pen is kept clean.

Always call on your vet or experienced Animal health professional for health assistance.


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