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Showing posts with the label Sheep and goat diseases


Halloween Pet Costumes Accessories, Funny Pet Clothing Halloween Props Pet, Halloween Pet Bat Wings Holiday Party,B Depression in pullet Halloween Pet Costumes Accessories, Funny Pet Clothing Halloween Props Pet, Halloween Pet Bat Wings Holiday Party,B Depressed broilers Pasty vent in hen Pasty vent in Chick Whitish diarrhoea Salmonella is a disease of poultry that is transmitted via infected eggs. The disease can as well affect humans ( that is to say it's a zoonotic disease) by consuming infected diseased raw eggs. SYMPTOMS Depression. Ruffled feathers. Closed eyes. Loud chirping. White diarrhoea. Vent pasting. Gasping. Lameness. Usually , Symptoms starts surfacing 4-5 days after hatching. PREVENTION AND CONTROL • Maintaining hygienic conditions on the farm is a key point in this case.  • Disinfecting the equipments. • Remove contaminated feed and water Halloween Pet Costumes Accessories, Funny Pet Clothing Halloween Props Pet, Hall...


Pregnant sheep Pregnant cow Pregnant pig Animals grow in stages . 1. PRENATAL GROWTH Stages of prenatal growth i.  Blastocist stage During this stage, the dividing zygote will yield millions of cells which are enclosed within the  zonapellucidal  and this is called blastocist. Blastocist is a ball of many cells enclosed by a membrane called zonapellucidal. During this stage, the Blastocist feeds from the uterus by means of diffusion. In the Ewe for instance, one to three or four lambs are normally produced but up to ten eggs maybe fertilized during fertilization or during mating particularly when when females are super ovulated. The Blastocist stage following fertilization will last for about  10days in sheep and pigs and 11days in cattle . ii.  Embryonic stage This is the second stage in prenatal growth. Cell differentiation into tissues and organs are beginning to show or manifest. These differentiating cells have a very high priority fo...


Dewormer Dewormer Dewormer Vitamins/booster Vitamins  The word drug is no longer a strange word in the livestock industry .Farmers ranging from poultry farmers to cattle breeders know different drug types(antibiotics, dewormers, vitamins etc) and even brands(producers). This knowledge is highly commendable. In this note, which I'm prompted to write due to questions thrown at me by farmers on drug usage and its effect on Livestock production(mostly poultry). Some of which are: ▪Which dewormer(s) is the best? ▪Why do I experience drop in egg production while deworming? ▪How frequent do I need to deworm? Etc Dewormers They are drugs that have been tested and proven to combat and terminate different class of endoparasites(internal parasites:worms, nematodes, protozoa etc). These drugs have different mode of actions and in some cases are specific in actions(target certain class of endo parasites) The common dewormers available in our clime ...


Foot and mouth disease(FMD) is an acute contagious disease which can quickly spread out to other provinces and result in serious losses for stock persons. Susceptible Animals a. Cloven hoofed animals such as buffalo,cow,goat,sheep,pig,wild pig,wild buffalo, wild cow and deer are susceptible to FMD virus. Note: Horses and avians are not infected by the virus. b. Infection on young animals is more severe and can lead to death. c. In natural habitat, FMD virus can be cross infected between animals. d. FMD virus can be transmitted to human but rare. Transmission a. Virus can be found in saliva, faeces,urine,semen,milk,vesicles discharge from infected animals or in the air. b. Virus can be transmitted via digestive or respiratory routes by feeding, drinking or inhalation (via nasal mucosa) c. Direct and indirect contact between infected animals and healthy animals, transporting vehicles, waste materials, slaughter house, stock persons. d. Pigs can shed virus into en...