Healthy rabbit Ear canker and skin mange Rabbits like every other livestock,are affected by different kinds of diseases some of which affects the Farmer's maximum or expected yield. Below are common diseases of Rabbits and how it can be controlled. 1. EAR CANKER AND SKIN MANGE(SKIN SORES ) External parasites like mites causes this conditions in Rabbits. With ear canker, the entire ear maybe filled with crusty scabs. It spreads on to the face. Rabbits with ear canker shakes head a great deal. CONTROL Dipping diseased animals in acaricide solution 2. COCCIDIOSIS This is the most common disease in Rabbits. It is caused by protozoa. SYMPTOMS • Loss of appetite • Potbelly • Bloody diarrhoea CONTROL Use coccidiostat in the Rabbits drinking water 3. MASTITIS It is a bacterial disease though not common. It occur when there's of the teats which becomes hard and sore. CONTROL • Use antibiotics like penicillin. • Discontinue breeding from such doe...