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The word drug is no longer a strange word in the livestock industry .Farmers ranging from poultry farmers to cattle breeders know different drug types(antibiotics, dewormers, vitamins etc) and even brands(producers). This knowledge is highly commendable.

In this note, which I'm prompted to write due to questions thrown at me by farmers on drug usage and its effect on Livestock production(mostly poultry). Some of which are:
▪Which dewormer(s) is the best?
▪Why do I experience drop in egg production while deworming?
▪How frequent do I need to deworm? Etc

They are drugs that have been tested and proven to combat and terminate different class of endoparasites(internal parasites:worms, nematodes, protozoa etc). These drugs have different mode of actions and in some cases are specific in actions(target certain class of endo parasites)

The common dewormers available in our clime include _Piperazine(Piper Dewormer, Piperazine, Piperavet)_ . _Ivermectin(Kepromec, Ivomec, Bawlmec), Levamisole(Levasol, Immunosol, Annyleva) Albendazole  and so on...

Piperazine is used for the treatment of ascarids(nematodes in general) in poultry, swine and Ruminants. It is safe to use in animals with gastroenteritis (the swelling of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestine due to infection) during pregnancy in large Livestocks.

Warning: In poultry, Piperazine is more appropriate for younger birds who are yet at their productive stages as they can easily overcome any form of stress without loss. Being a strong dewormer, administering it to adult laying birds, can result in reduction in production.

Not just a DEWORMER but an IMMUNE STIMULANT. Before you smile, read further)
Levamisole is Anti nematodal parasiticide that also may be useful as an immune stimulant mostly in livestock whose immune system looks compromised. It is also effective against certain cestodes like tapeworm, lungworms in cattle, sheep, goats, swine and poultry.
From Experience, it is best suited for laying birds.

Ivermectin, the most popular of them all. It has been leveraging on its dual function (anti endo parasites and ecto parasites) for a long time now. It is every one's go to drug as an antiparaticides. Though,recently, some ectoparasites like lices in poultry are joining the leagues of parasites forming resistance to this drug. Others are liver fluke and tapeworm. Despite this, it is still relevant and effective in tackling parasites in poultry, cattle, sheep and Goats.

( what Igbo people call 'gbogbo nise' )
Just as we have Broad spectrum antibiotics, Albendazole is a broad spectrum dewormer against a variety of nematodes, cestodes, liver fluke & protozoa;  for cattle & sheep, swine and Goats. Despite its efficiency in tackling endo parasites, I have discovered that it is the less sort after drug amidst the lots.

Large Livestock animal producers need to make this drug their friend. A trusted guy you can call on to deal with some stubborn endoparasites who will not surrender to Ivermec, levamisole and piper.

Vitamins like Sharigrow, Mibrovite, Sharivit are like immune booster, egg booster etc. If the egg size is too small or low appetite, these vitamins can be used to enhance performance in poultry, pigs, goat and other livestock

Professional Advice
Having understood the mode of action of Various dewormers, it is paramount to understand how best to deploy this weapons in your arsenal to combat parasites who won't allow your dear Livestock to live a healthy and productive life.

All the above listed dewormers are efficient and should be used rightly and with care and supervised by a professional to get results. Due to the stress that animals undergo during the process of getting these worms out,
I do advice farmers to carryout this exercise every 2 - 3months in all Livestock. I also advise Drug rotation(I.e not using same dewormer back to back) rotation will guarantee total removal of all endoparacites in a complete cycle of 3months-this does not have to follow a particular order.
Do not use drug(Ivemectin oral especially) for more than 2 consecutive days and injectables more than once.

Dose 1ml to 2litre for suspensions or according to manufacturers prescription.
Offer clean water and vitamin after each routine.

Hope this helps someone.


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